
Inside picnic

From why and how to start writing to here I am starting to write, it is a big leap as always. Can we enjoy a drop falling down from window roof and merging eventually into the small puddle lying there much below its level? In the slomo version of this story, an eon passes. An inexpressible joy lies while enjoying it. This can happen only when our inside is enjoying a picnic of its own.  We went out on a hot UK summer day with eight families hardly yet woven into the fabric of the social network. People chatted, judged, revitalized, ate while the lake stood there frozen. Ducks albeit large in number moved with non violent symmetry. Hot sky was printed with screensaver clouds. Bouts of winds relieved the exteriors. kids mesmerized with their innocence while eating, playing and crying. Interiors observed groups being formed. Fear kicked in to solve lack of communication. Randomness lead to fun and banter. All that outside picnic was directed towards insides. A single source brightened...

Interview Links

A Netflix engineer did 7 onsites interviews for 7 tech companies. Received 7 offers ranging $325k - $800k a year. He/she shared the resources in Blind that helped her/him to be successful. Here they are: 1. Leetcode Always ask clarifying questions, they are meant to be vague. Tech Interview Handbook (solve 50 suggested LCs multiple times): Grokking Coding Interview: Solve each question yourself before looking at answers. After struggling with certain topics, found some youtube resources that were really helpful. - Graph problems: - Kahn’s topsort: - Dijkstra’s shortest path: - Kruskal’s MST: - Union find: - Dynamic programming: I would say 1/2 of my coding questions was graph related, and I used topsort, MST, union find during my interviews so its worth knowing them well. Great reso...

Mo Gawdat: Solve for happiness

-Acknowledge that something is wrong and ack the emotion -Identify the thought that caused it (not the event) Ask following questions: Q1: is that thought true? Q2: If its true, can something be done to fix this? Q3: Otherwise, can I accept the truth and commit to it?


Numb brain prevents thoughts. Brain half working is not a solution to Anxiety as it reduces our capacity to think. All nightmares vanish, but what accompanies is way worse. No more help from brain to work.